Associate Professor, Department of Folklore, University of Rajshahi, BANGLADESH
A brief introduction about Mr M ABDULLAH AL MAMUN
Mr Md Abdullah Al Mamun is an Associate Professor of the Department of Folklore, Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Since 2006, he has been teaching at tertiary level and conducting research activities in achieving a better tomorrow for all.
He is experienced in Economics and Policy with a background in Heritage, Indigeneity and Folklore Studies (HIFS). He is particularly interested to do research work by bridging the domain of arts and social sciences in Economic Development; Folkloristics & Sustainability; Environment & Development; Policy & Planning; Indigeneity & Public Health; Heritage & Development.
He often loves to conduct research, produces documentaries, & carries out fieldwork in caring with people, for pride, of the profession, at the place & to the planet using econometric models. . . . . . . . Read More
Development Folkloristics
Material Folkloristics & Livelihoods
Public Health & Medical Folkloristics
Rural Studies & Development
Economic Folkloristics & Policy
Environmental Folkloristics & Sustainability