Calciton Oral Suspension(vet)
Generic Name: Each 20 ml Calciton oral Suspension Contains: Calcium 325.6 mg, Magnesium 20 mg, Phosphorous 167.7, Vitamin B12 2
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Medicine Type: 
Generic Name: Each 20 ml Calciton oral Suspension Contains: Calcium 325.6 mg, Magnesium 20 mg, Phosphorous 167.7, Vitamin B12 2

Indication: "Cow, Calf, Buffalo, Sheep and Goat: It is used to prevent milk fever, Hypocalcemia, Hypomagnesemia, Hypophosphatemia. Also to increase milk production and body weight. Layer: Prevents poor egg shell quality and drop in egg production and cannibalism. Broilers: Prevents bone disorders."

Dosage & Administration: Large Animal: 100 ml per day for 5-7 days. Calf: 20-25 ml per day for 5-7 days. Poultry: 1-1.5 ml per liter water for 5-7 days.

Preparation: 500 ml, 1liter, 5 liter